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Working All Things Together for Good

I pulled into a store and was on the hunt for a parking space. I usually pray for a good parking space when I go to the store, so I said a prayer. As I was driving by the entrance of the store, someone was picking up a person, but instead of pulling over to the side, they were stopped right in front of me while the person loaded up their groceries. I could not get around them. Of course, because I am human, I was thinking, “What on earth are you doing, that is a bad place to be parked!” I won’t lie, I was a little aggravated that I was stuck there waiting. But in the middle of all that, I look over and sure enough a person is pulling out of a front row parking space! Never mind sir, you go ahead and block traffic because your delay gave me a really good parking spot! And as soon as they pulled away, I was able to get that parking spot.

Some things in life just stink. We go through some delays, through some rough patches, through some wildernesses, have bad breaks, but as Paul writes in Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose (ESV).

God is with us through everything. Keep hoping, and praying, and seeking, and smiling. He is working it all out for good!

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You that You are working all things together for good! May I see more of you in all areas of my life – the gloomy days and the sunny ones too! In Jesus’ Name I Pray, Amen.

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