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That Spark to Jump Right In!

Updated: Mar 1, 2022

I heard the words "no more excuses" and decided that was the spark that I needed to jump right into this new devotional blog that I have been wanting to do for a while. I have been writing with Jesus in my journals for a long time now and working on books, but haven't taken that leap to share. Journaling time with Jesus is my favorite place to be! At one point, I took a pit stop. Actually, I took that pit stop last summer in the middle of a crazy year because I didn't think I could do it, and I didn't really know how to either. That is the wrong excuse to have, because I know, from my personal testimony, that our God is more than able to help me.

During that time, I spent potty training my daughter and would say to her, "It is time to be a big girl and not wear diapers anymore." When I would tell her that, I could hear the Holy Spirit say, "Danielle I want to mature you too."

Taking a pit stop is not where God wants us to stay in our Christian walk if He is calling us to do something. He wants to grow us and mature us as we journey with Him. One of the things my daughter would tell me is, "I will tomorrow." I know exactly what she meant, because I was doing the same, wanting to put off being obedient and stepping out of my comfort zone.

So today, I am stepping out into this next chapter that I have been called to do, because I don't want to miss out on telling you how exciting it is to have Jesus in your life! It is far better than anything I have ever experienced!

When Solomon took over as king, he didn't know what to do, so he asked God. 1 Kings 3:7 Now, Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties (NIV). So Solomon asked for wisdom.

Today, I need wisdom on so many levels - how to be a mom, how to navigate through choices, make financial decisions, and even the small things I do throughout the day like using my time wisely.

God leads us, guides us and helps us through life. He will give us the wisdom we need, all we have to do is ask Him. I hope this sparks something inside of you to jump right into what God is asking you to do! He will give you the wisdom in whatever it may be - starting that job, writing that book, buying that vehicle, moving to a new town, etc. And if you haven't met Jesus, I encourage you to ask Him into your heart, grab a Bible, a journal and start somewhere with Him! You will LOVE that you did!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the Holy Spirit and guiding us. I pray for wisdom today to help me navigate through this day. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

What are you needing wisdom for this week?

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Renee Talbott Inman
Renee Talbott Inman
Sep 29, 2021

Thank you for this encouragement! Just like God gave Solomon wisdom, He will do the same for all of us! Perfect time for this reminder! James 1:5. I pray your sparks ignite a Holy Ghost fire in all our hearts! You are a huge blessing!


Sep 27, 2021

Danielle, I love your new site and I am very proud of you. Your strong desire to follow where God leads you is an inspiration to others. With so many crazy things going on in our world today, we all need to spend more time in God’s word. I can’t wait to read your Devotional book! We all need to wake up with a “spark” each day to further the cause of Christ! Beth Whitaker

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