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Made In His Image

Recently I was being critical of myself when I was having pictures taken. I have been self-conscious for as long as I can remember - probably more so from pre-teen on. I was more aware of body types and what was popular and not-so-popular in the public eye around then. My weight has always fluctuated, especially after having kids. I do not see woman as the only ones being self-conscious; I see this with my husband as well. He is probably more critical of himself than I am of myself, more so when he is working out.

I really felt God saying something so powerful to me during this devotional time as I was reading about the glory of God passing by Moses. Moses was only allowed to see God's backside which brought Moses to his knees and left him radiating from being in the presence of God. God is so powerful that Moses was not able to look at His face because he would die if he did.

God must think very highly of us to have created us like Him - in His image! Genesis 1:27 "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them" (NIV). Wow! I do not know about you, but I needed this. We often do not think very highly of ourselves like God does. I wonder how much more confident we would be if we would think more on this one verse than on how we critically view ourselves, or let those around us critically view us. Let God tell you who you are and not yourself, or those around you. Know today that all-powerful God made you in His image!

Are you being critical of yourself today, or allowing others to be critical of you instead of what God thinks of you?

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for creating me in Your image. It is a great honor that you would take the time to create me to look like you! Help me not to be so critical of myself or let others critical views bother me. Help me to see myself as you see me. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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1 comentario

07 oct 2021

God is leading you in your life with your writing and I am so glad you are listening to His calling! You can reach so many people with this! love you! Keep up the great work!

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