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Little By Little

I decided to go on a health kick journey. I needed to get back into eating healthy after a long winter of indulging in extra sweets and not really exercising. I have to keep in the back of my mind that things do not happen overnight. As I watch my new little vegetable seedlings I planted grow and my youngest child hit milestones, things do not happen overnight, they happen little by little.

God told Moses that He is sending an angel ahead of them to guard them until He brings them to the place He prepared for them. He tells them that it is not going to happen in one year, but little by little, He will drive out their enemies until they had possession of the land.

Exodus 23:29-30 But I will not drive them out in a single year, because the land would become desolate and the wild animals too numerous for you. Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land (NIV).

When we plant a seed in our life, set out to conquer and see victory in our life, there is a process we got to go through. A seed grows before it sees its fruit. It would be overwhelming if I decided to start lifting heavy weights without the wisdom of weightlifting. I could get hurt if I started with the heaviest weights. And, so like that, God says it was not going to happen all at once because of the wild animals will be too numerous for them. They would encounter some problems if it happened overnight.

I think sometimes we get into a rush to want things to happen now, but a lot can go wrong and we can even end up giving up on it all together. We need to trust the Lord to go before us, teaching us, giving us exact instructions and wisdom to conquering things in our life, little by little. We will see a great victory in the end!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You go before us, clearing the way and helping us to conquer things in our life, little by little. I pray I will trust You in the growing part, so that I will be successful in producing a fruitful life. In Jesus’ Name I Pray, Amen.

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