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Keep Being Faithful

At the end of each year, I pick a word for the next year. This year I chose the word perseverance. I have heard it a LOT over the year and I am so glad I chose it! Keep being faithful even when life leaves you feeling frustrated, because it looks different than what you thought it would look like. You may not have that dream job yet, thought you would be married by now, your marriage would look a little different than it does, prayed for a healing that God has not answered yet, you have a child who is acting out or something has happened that was unexpected. Things are going to happen in our life that we did not see coming. We might have days when we just want to throw in the towel, go to bed and push restart, because something in life happened that was not planned. It can be discouraging. Do not give up hope or disbelief just because life does not look the way you thought it would look. Keep putting God first whole-heartedly and persevering with Him!

Loving the Lord with all our hearts is the greatest commandment we can do. Moses told the Israelites in Deuteronomy 6:5 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength" (NIV).

Know that God’s plans are far better than ours, even on those frustrating days when you thought things would be different. Putting Him first really is the greatest thing we can do in our life! It opens the door to so many things like love, prayers answered, peace, fruitfulness, healing, success, etc.! Keep walking faithfully, loving the Lord, trusting that His way is good and doing what He asks you to do. Do not give up on God just because the enemy wants to get you frustrated enough to throw in the towel.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for speaking hope into my heart today as I may get frustrated when things are not going my way. Help me to trust Your way is the better way, and to keep persevering with You. In Jesus’ Name I Pray, Amen.

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