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Have You Asked?

One time I heard God say, “Have you asked me?” Well, no actually I haven’t. Sometimes I don't think to ask God or I forget, so I started to shift my thinking and making it a point to ask myself, "Have I asked God?" I even tell my kids when they come to me about something, “I am not able to, but I know the person who can, lets pray and ask.” Have you asked Jesus?

The story of the women from the tribe of Manasseh, descendants of Joseph, in the book of Numbers speaks on why we should seek God and ask Him. These five women were not going to inherit any land because their father did not have any sons, so they went to Moses and asked for land, and God gave them land in chapter 27. In chapter 36 of Numbers, they went to Moses again and said if we marry then our inheritance will go to a different tribe and God made a command that their inheritance was to stay within their tribe. They asked and they received!

Jesus says in Mathew 7:11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him (NIV)!

What is so good about this story is God cares not just for men but for the woman too! He does not play favorites (Romans 2:11) – He loves us all. God wants to give us gifts - good gifts. You too can be a part of God’s blessings! Get into a habit of asking yourself, have I asked God?

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for being so good to us! Thank you for the good gifts that You give to me and for loving all of us! I pray that I can enjoy the gifts You want me to have when I ask. In Jesus’ Name I Pray, Amen.

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