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Guard Your Heart

One of the things I started doing many years ago is paying attention to what I would listen to on the radio. Looking back, that was one of the ways I began guarding my heart from letting certain words get into my heart and mind.

Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it (NIV).

We have to guard our hearts from allowing things to enter in that could or potentially cause us to stumble. Changing things like what kind of music to listen to (what’s it about?) or who we hang out with are just some things to think about as you and I try to guard our hearts. Are there things in our life that we should put boundaries on to say, “No that’s where I am going to draw a line, so that I will keep my heart pure.”

Jesus said, “Narrow the road that leads to life (Mathew 7:14).” We can’t allow everything into our life – that is such a broad road that leads to all kinds of unwanted stuff in our lives. Don’t just open your heart up to everything that is out there. Be sure to guard your heart.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for guarding my heart. Please warn me of things that are not good for my heart. In Jesus’ Name I Pray, Amen.



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