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God Is In the Details

Proverbs 16:9 The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps (ESV).

I have been helping my daughter learn to read over the last couple of weeks, and as we piece each letter together and say it out loud to form a word, I began thinking about this verse and how God forms our steps, establishing them in front of us as we continue seeking Him. Sometimes we don’t understand at the moment where He is taking us on our journey, but later as we look back we can see how He was in the details all along!

I can look back and form all these words as God has established my steps out in front of me. What words can you say as He has established those steps in front of you? Maybe it is marriage as God led you to marrying your spouse, or it's purpose as God established each step leading up to your calling, etc.

We may not see it clearly just yet what those steps are and how it is all going to come together, but we do know that God is in control and establishes them according to His will. We just have to trust Him in the process. He is in the details of our life!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for being in the details of my life! I know you are establishing my steps. Help me to trust you in the process. In Jesus’ Name I Pray, Amen.

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