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Faith In the Storm

Luke 8:25 He said to them, "Where is your faith?" And they were afraid, and they marveled, saying to one another, "Who then is this, that he commands even winds and water, and they obey him?" (ESV)

My husband and I, along with our two little girls, went out for a boat ride at the beginning of the summer season this year. The picture in the photo was our view as we were stuck in the middle of the water. The boat had died on us and as my husband was trying to get it started, I thought about Jesus and the disciples when they were out in a boat in the middle of a storm.

It was an absolutely beautiful day out and perfect weather for a boat ride, so our storm looked a whole lot different than theirs. We were just stuck in the middle of the lake with a boat that wouldn't start.

We would say a prayer that it would start, but it did not start on the first prayer. We just kept on praying.

Then, we began to talk about what Jesus said to the disciples after they had woke him up in the middle of their storm, "Where is your faith?"

I actually stopped and thought about my faith. I normally have the faith that says, "God can do it," but my faith had not been like that at all. I said it out loud, "Well actually, no I have not had that kind of faith lately. That faith that can move mountains.

Even though I know He is trustworthy, sometimes I hesitate to trust the Lord. Sometimes I doubt Him. And that day I heard Him say, "Where is your faith?"

He knew I had been doubting Him in areas of my life. What is so beautiful about God is how honest and real we can be with Him, because there is nothing that we can hide from him. Later, I had a conversation with Him about all the doubts, fears and the lack of faith I had been having, and I prayed that He would strengthen my faith.

I needed that vulnerable moment with God and to be reassured that He is in the middle of any kind of storm we are facing. Even though sometimes we may not think He is, we have to tell ourselves that yes, He is right there in the middle of them with us.

To end the story of our lake adventure, we did make it back to the boat dock, which I Praise the Lord for answering our prayer!

I just want to encourage you today, that whatever you are facing, talk to God about it. Be open and real about what is going on in your life. He is in the middle of your storms of life with you. Sometimes we just need Him to strengthen our faith!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for being right here with us when we are facing the storms of life. I pray that You will strengthen my faith as I walk with You. In Jesus' Name I Pray, Amen.

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