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Because He First Loved Us

1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us (NIV).

When I read this verse and started thinking about love, it made me think of a waterfall. Because God's love is always flowing and pouring out onto us. We actually visited Seven Falls in Colorado last summer and it was beautiful. It has seven waterfalls that continuously flow and pour out onto the next waterfall. Because He loved us first and we know His love, it flows in us and through us!

We can love ourselves, because of how much He loves each of us. We can love others whether they love us or not. We can love our spouse just like the vows say, “for better or for worse.” I actually did not meet my husband until I put God first. I stopped looking for love and focused on the love of God first.

When I was writing this, my girl's were watching "Frozen." It is a favorite, but I like what Elsa says at the end, “Love will thaw a frozen heart.” God’s love will even take our own hearts and soften them. So any bitterness or unforgiveness we may have, God can wash that all away with His love.

Sometimes it does take a great deal to love when it is us trying to love on our own, and very often we need to ask for love in prayer and allow the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us so that we can love like Him. But it is not impossible, because I do not think that God would make loving our neighbors the second greatest commandment if He did not think it was possible for us to love others. Love all starts because He first loved us!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us! I pray that I can experience all of Your love and love like You love. In Jesus’ Name I Pray, Amen.

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